CONSTITUTION, RULES & BY- LAWS (as Revised 2024)

1. Name.

The name of the Club will be;

The Sunbury Sports Bowls Club

2. Headquarters.

The Headquarters of the Club will be.

The Pavilion

Kenton Court Meadow

Lower Hampton Road

Sunbury on Thames


TW16 5PS


3. Objects

The objects of the Club will be to promote and encourage the game of Bowls, and undertake such other social activities in support of the Club.

4.  Affiliations

The mixed club will be affiliated to Bowls England, the Middlesex Bowling Association and such other affiliations deemed to be in the best interests of the club.

5. Club Colours

The Club Colours will be Blue, Green, Gold and White.

6. Club Badge

The Club Badge will be the official badge of the Bowls Club and worn by both the Ladies and Men.

7. Membership.

7.1 Ordinary Membership: Membership of the Club shall be open to any inhabitant of Sunbury and the surrounding district who shall apply for membership, complete the necessary form, and pay the required fee. Should the Club refuse membership to, or expel any member, the person involved has the right of appeal. The Club will not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry),disability, marital status, sexual orientation or military status in any of its activities or operations. 

7.2 Social members: will be permitted to use the SSA Club premises and take part in the Club’s social activities.  They will not be permitted to hold any club office or vote on substantive matters at  Annual or Special meetings but will be allowed to roll up occasionally with permission.  Those wishing to bowl regularly are expected to become ordinary members.

7.3 New/inexperienced bowlers; are expected to attend the club-coaching programme and will be able to apply to join the club as ordinary members in their coaching year at a specially reduced fee.

7.4 Honorary Membership; May be accorded to a person in appreciation for outstanding service rendered to the Club. This membership will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and recommended to the Bowls Club A.G.M. annually.  Honorary members will have no voting rights within the club.

7.5 Life Members; In appreciation of exceptional and meritorious service rendered to the Club, the Executive Committee shall have the power to nominate and recommend to the club’s A.G.M. any lady or gentleman of the Club to Life Membership and retain all the rights of an ordinary member.

8. Executive Committee and Election

8.1 The Management of the Club; shall be vested in the Executive Committee, consisting of the elected Officers and up to three elected ordinary members

8.2 The Officers of the Club; shall be the President, the Chairman of the Executive Committee (elected at the first meeting of the Executive Committee after the AGM), the Honorary secretary, the Honorary Treasurer, Captain and Vice Captains, Honorary Match Secretary, Green Ranger, Competition Secretary, Information Officer, and any other officer considered applicable to the Club’s needs. A Safeguarding Officer will be appointed annually by the Executive Committee who meets the requirements of  Bowls England.

8.3 All officers; ordinary members will be elected to the Executive Committee by all eligible club members present at the AGM saving the  Safeguarding Officer (see8.1)

8.5 The Executive Committee quorum; will be five voting members and in the absence of the Chairman (elected at the first meeting of the Executive committee after the AGM) members present will nominate their own Chairman.

9.  Powers of the Executive Committee

9.1 Control finances of the Club

9.2 Make such rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary for the proper conduct of the Club activities.

9.3 Appoint a Sub-Committee for any purpose.

9.4 Expel any member for conduct detrimental to the interest of the Club having followed the procedures specified by Bowls England ( see 24).

9.5 Refuse to accept any application for membership in its absolute discretion but bearing in mind 7.1.

9.6 Interpret the rules and any other matter not covered by them.

10.  Attendance at Committee Meetings.

Any member who, after receipt of proper notification, is absent from four consecutive meetings, without due cause, will, by a vote of the majority of the members of the Executive Committee present, cease to be a member thereof.

11.  Notice and Agenda for Executive Committee Meetings

The agenda for a meeting, together with the notice convening the same, will be circulated to the Executive Committee members by the Club Honorary Secretary not less than seven days prior to the meeting.

12.  Correspondence.

The Honorary Secretary will sign all correspondence on behalf of the Club, except where otherwise directed by the Executive Committee.

13.  Register of Members.

The Honorary Secretary will keep and maintain a register of current members, a copy of which will be available   to all club members, to the Secretary of the SSA and to affiliating bodies as required. Details of members communication details will only be made available  where necessary for the functioning of the club and to specified officers and other members, e.g. telephone numbers of  competitors in club competitions.

14. Annual General Meeting

14.1 An Annual General Meeting of the Bowls Club will be held on a date during November annually, at such time and place decided by the Executive Committee.

14.2 To receive from the Executive Committee and officers of the Bowls Club an Annual Statement of Accounts and Reports upon the business of the Club and the state of its affairs during the preceding season.

14.3 The meeting will not transact any business other than that included in the notice convening the meeting and its agenda. At the conclusion of the A.G.M. members will have the opportunity to raise any other matters, which will be recorded by the Secretary and passed on to the first meeting of the elected  Executive committee.

15. Special General Meeting.

A Special General meeting of the Bowls Club may be convened by the Honorary Secretary, either on the order of the Executive Committee or upon a requisition signed by not less than fifteen ordinary members. A Special General Meeting will not transact any business other than that in the notice convening the meeting.

16. Notice of a General Meeting.

The notice convening the Annual General Meeting will be circulated to members at least fourteen days before the event and will incorporate the agenda for the meeting. Executive Committee nominations will be received and displayed on the Club notice board and will be removed at the end of the playing season.

17. Executive Committee Meetings

The Executive Committee will meet as often as they consider the affairs of the Club demand.

18. Chairmen at General Meetings

The President shall take the chair at an AGM or SGM and, in the absence of the President; the secretary will temporarily take the chair so that the members can elect a chair for the occasion.

19. Minutes

The Club Honorary Secretary will keep the minutes of all Executive Committee Meetings and of all Special and Annual General Meetings, which will be signed by the Chairman of the next appropriate meeting. They will be open to inspection by all members at any reasonable time.

20. Accounts

The Club Honorary Treasurer will keep an account of all Club income and expenditure in an appropriate accounting format.

21. Financial Year

The Club’s Financial Year will end on 30 September.

22. Subscriptions

The club subscription for all classes of membership will be determined by the Executive Committee and is payable on acceptance of an application by 1st May each year.  Members whose subscriptions remain unpaid may be requested to forfeit their membership. 

23. Annual Financial Statements

After the end of the Club’s financial year the Honorary Treasurer will prepare, and the Executive Committee will approve a statement of accounts for the year. This statement will be examined and submitted to all Club members fourteen days prior to the Bowls Club Annual General Meeting. A signed copy will be sent to the Sunbury Sports Association after the A.G.M.

24. Grievances

Members with a grievance may present this to the Executive Committee in writing by arrangement with the Honorary Secretary. Complaints about the behaviour of other club members will in the first instance be reported to the Executive Committee and subsequently dealt with under Bowls England Regulations 9 (9a and 9b Disciplinary  Procedures  at Club Level).The Club also endorses Bowls England : Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults Policy and those concerning  acceptable  drug use.

25. Winding Up or Dissolution.

The Club may be wound up only on the recommendation of the Sunbury Sports Bowls Executive Committee, to a General Meeting and on a majority vote of ordinary members present. The Club is a non- profit-making organisation with any surplus income or gains to be reinvested in the Club. Upon dissolution the remaining assets will be transferred to the Sunbury Cricket Club to be used for other sporting  activities,

26. Alteration of the Constitution, By- Laws and Rules

26.1 The Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of the Club may be rescinded, or new ones introduced, at the A.G.M. or at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose.

Such alterations must be made by resolution carried by a majority of the ordinary members present. Amendments proposed or resolved which conflict with the rules and practices established by the Sunbury Sports Association will not be considered as conclusive, unless and until ratified by the Sunbury Sports Association Management Committee who will signify its approval in writing.

26.2 Proposed alterations or amendments to the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules must be received by the Honorary Secretary in writing, twenty-eight days prior to the date of the General Meeting convened wholly or in part for this purpose.

27. Copies of the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules will be posted on the Club Notice board or are obtainable from the Club  Secretary.


1. Team Selection

1.1 Team selection for weekend matches will normally be on the preceding Tuesday after Club Night.    For weekday matches team selection will take place a week before the match.

1.2. Members wishing to participate in a match should print their names on the availability list, posted on the team / match board. When selection has been made, those members selected should tick off their names indicating continued willingness to play. The captain or league organiser should be informed if selected members are unable to play.  

 2. Protection of the Green

2.1 All members are responsible for ensuring that the bowling green is not damaged during play. Where damage due to play occurs, the offending player or players’ attention should be drawn to the matter. The offenders having been warned, continuing to render damage may be requested to leave the green. 

2.2 The Green Ranger and/or Captain of the day will be responsible for determining whether the green is fit to play. If he instructs that green sheets are to be used on the green, or on any rinks thereof, members must not avoid the use of such sheets.

2.3 Green sheets must be used in accordance with instructions displayed in the Club and as laid down by Bowls England regulations.

2.4 Members and visitors are asked to desist from smoking or vaping on or around the green  and to deposit rubbish in the bins provided. Glasses should be returned to  the  bar,

2.5.   All players, markers and umpires must wear approved bowling shoes on the green.  During coaching the club coach will determine the appropriateness of the shoes worn.

2.6 No-one is allowed on the green except those engaged in play with the exception of the maintenance staff.

2.7 The Green Ranger will deal with all queries, complaints and matters relevant to the bowling green and playing facilities.  Queries or complaints should be directed to the Green Ranger or the Secretary who will pass them onto said Green Ranger.

 3. Dress

3.1 Dress for ladies and men; a dress code will be published annually in the Fixtures and Membership card.

4. Use of the bowling green.

4.1 The bowling green will normally be open daily from 10.30 a.m. to dusk but may be closed for green maintenance at the Green Ranger’s discretion.  Before commencing play, members should remove any dew or worm casts with the appropriate tools provided.


4.2 Matches – County, Club, and outside competitions, including league games will take precedence over casual play. The Club Diary (online) should be used for reservations of all competitions and league games. Saturdays, Sundays, and certain weekdays will be reserved for matches as presented in the fixture list.  Such fixtures may be varied by additions or cancellations not recorded on the fixture list.

4.3 Where a rink reservation is required for competition, members are expected to reserve a rink at the earliest possible time to prevent inconvenience.

4.4 Members participating in casual play are requested to check that the rink they wish to use has not been reserved for a competition.

4.5 No casual play or competitions will be permitted during a County Executive, an Association or Club match on the green except by arrangement with the Club Captain.

4.6 The Rules of Bowls England shall generally apply to all Club competitions.  Specific rules for Club Competitions are published by the Club and revised from time to time.  They are available from the Competition Secretary, will be issued to all members and will be posted on the Club Notice board.

4.7 No change of rinks will be permitted after the first end of a competition has been scored, except where conditions prevent its continuance. 

4.8 It is expected that members will, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, encourage and invite others, especially new members, to enter any casual game in progress.

5. Bowling Equipment

5.1 Members, after use of jacks, mats, club bowls, pushers etc are expected to return such equipment and stow correctly after use. Mats should always be laid flat.

5.2 No bowls equipment of the Club will be removed from the confines of Kenton Court Meadow without permission of the Executive Committee.

6. Visitors

6.1 Visitors can play with existing members on an occasional basis and members are responsible for their attire and behaviour.

7. General

7.1 No dogs are permitted within the confines of the green unless restrained on a lead.

7.2 No member will make private arrangements for a match with the Club or Association. Requests should be made to the Executive Committee and arranged through the Honorary Match secretary.

7.3 All requests by Clubs or Associations for use of the Club’s bowling facilities shall be made to the Executive Committee.

7.4 Mixed rinks of men and ladies in matches will be allowed at any time, both home and away.

7.5 Competition Rules will be made available to all members and posted on the Secretary’s notice board.

COMPETITION RULES:  SSBC (Revised 2019-20)

  1. These rules should be read in conjunction with Laws of the Sport of Bowls current edition.  


  1. The Club Competitions Secretary will have overall responsibility for club competitions but may refer matters in dispute to the Executive committee whose decision will be final.
  1. Entries for all competitions must be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary by the date fixed by the Executive Committee for competition entries at the start of the new season. Members who know they will not be available on the Club Finals Days should NOT enter any Club Competitions. Members who have entered competitions in good faith and subsequently find that they will be unavailable on Finals Days should withdraw at the Quarterfinal round or earlier, if possible, to allow early substitutions to occur (see 19).
  1. The competition draw will be carried out on the Club premises; the date and time of the draw will be announced in advance and any member may attend.  Byes may be awarded in the first round to ensure appropriate numbers in subsequent rounds. In pairs and triples competitions players will be seeded using handicaps (See 14) prior to the draw to balance teams.
  1. When the competition lists are displayed, the first named are the challengers. The challenger(s) shall contact his/her opponent(s) and offer 3 dates/find a date mutually agreeable to both parties. This procedure should be undertaken as soon as the results of the previous round are known. Should the challenger(s) not contact the opponent(s) then the opponent(s), with 6 days remaining prior to the closing date of the round, inform the Competitions Secretary of this fact. The opponent(s) will at the same time advise the Competitions Secretary when the game could be played within the remaining 6 days. The start time for this fixed date cannot be before 18:00 unless mutually agreed. The Competitions Secretary will inform the challenger(s) of the set time and fixed date. Rule 7 will apply if the challenger(s) are unable to accept the date and time. Where preliminary rounds are played on one day the Competition Secretary will set the times of play.
  1. Players engaged in county competitions or representing the Club in fixtures or other league matches, may request alternate dates for those that clash.  All matches, when normally agreed, must be entered into the Club diary and the rink booked by the challenger(s)but where the date is set by the opponent via the Competitions Secretary the opponent and or Competitions Secretary should book the rink to ensure there is one available.
  1. Extensions beyond the final date for a round must be approved by the Competitions Secretary, be agreeable to the two parties involved and will be granted only for genuine reasons such as ill health, weather, and other unforeseen competing circumstances e.g. See 6 above.
  1. The Competitions Secretary may scratch any challenger and/or opponent failing to comply with the above from the competition after every reasonable effort has been made to complete the round. Appeal should be direct to the Executive Committee via the Competitions Secretary.
  1. In singles competitions the challenger is responsible for providing a marker who will normally be a playing member of the club (male or female), be acceptable to both players and be conversant with Rules of Bowls as it applies to marking. Failure by the challenger to provide a marker within 10 minutes of the start of a game entitles the opponent to refuse to play on that occasion and, if they so wish, claim the game by application to the Competitions Secretary. Singles matches must not be played in the absence of a marker. Members willing to mark will be posted on the notice boards. Where rounds are played on fixed days including finals the Competitions Secretary will appoint markers and an Umpire on Finals Day.
  1. In order to allow for the completion of evening pairs and triples matches they should be scheduled to start by at least 18:00. Nobody in a singles competition however should have to accept an earlier evening time than 18:00. Where games are interrupted by weather the provision in Rules of Bowls apply.
  1. If a player / team arrives more than 30 minutes after the time fixed for a game, the other player/team may refuse to play at that time or may claim a walk-over.  Such a claim must be made to the Competition Secretary within 24 hours of the original time fixed for the game. If a new time is agreed Rule 6 may apply.
  1. Players in any club competition may visit the head once each end in any singles match and twice in any pairs, triples, or fours except in the finals. (Markers please note.)
  1. Whilst any match is in progress club members or visitors must under no circumstances interfere with or offer advice to the players or markers. The only exception will be when an official umpire is appointed as on Finals Day. The mobile phones of players and spectators should be turned off and anyone wishing to use one should leave the environs of the green and if players, only with the consent of the opposition and where it does not impede the progress of the game. Smoking is not permitted on the green.
  1. Club Handicaps (men and ladies) will be determined according to the following tariff: International (11), County Badged Player (9), Championship or Two Woods Winner (7), Championship or Two Woods Losing Finalist and Handicap Winner (6), Handicap Losing Finalist and Junior Winner (5), Competent Club Bowler (4), Second Year Bowler (2), Novice (0).  All individual handicaps will last for 2 years.  New but experienced members will be assessed on the evidence available from their previous club and/or county, or if not, available they will be given a temporary (1 year) handicap of (7). The handicap list will be reviewed annually by the Competitions Secretary and one other member of the Executive Committee. It will be approved by the Executive committee prior to the start of the competition season. Handicaps achieved via the above tariff may be reduced at the discretion of the Executive Committee but normally not below level 4.
  1. In Handicap Competitions the difference between the two handicaps will be added to the target score of the higher handicapped player e.g. Player A has 6, player B has 4.  The difference is 2 so A must get 21+2=23 and B must get 21 shots to win, both players starting from zero. 
  1. There will be separate Men’s and Ladies handicap competitions open to all ages and an open club handicap open to all, this replacing the former Veterans competition.
  1. All Finals matches shall be played on Club Finals Days as printed on the fixture card, unless affected by the weather. In the event finals days are cancelled due to the weather the games shall be played on the backup finals weekend stated on the fixture card. 
  1. Substitutes may be appointed (one per team only) in all pairs and triples competitions matches up to and including the Quarterfinal matches or during round robin games. They should be of a roughly equal handicap to the withdrawing player, should not have been eliminated from said competition during that season and be approved by the Club Competitions Secretary.   A player having been substituted can re-join a team at any stage provided the substitute is withdrawn.  Late Substitutes cannot be used to replace a player withdrawing from Semi-finals or Finals matches without the approval of the Competition Secretary in consultation with the Chairman of the Executive Committee. Approval will only be given in exceptional circumstances, i.e., incapacitating illness etc. and ideally with the consent of the other team. The substitute should be of comparable handicap to the withdrawing player, but someone previously eliminated from said competition at an earlier stage should not automatically be debarred. Games unable to proceed under this rule will be awarded to the other side but every effort will be made to allow competitions to be played to their final stages. 
  1. The Club Competition Secretary will decide the order of play on Finals Day and be assisted by other appointed club members including markers and officiating umpires.   The Club Competition Secretary will have the authority to put any match on any rink on Finals Day(s).
  1. In the event of any Finals Day matches being cancelled due to bad weather or other unforeseen circumstance the Executive Committee will meet to decide how to arrange the Finals matches on any reserve or alternative days.
  1. All Club Trophies held by members must be returned to the Club after being cleaned, 1 week before Finals Day.
  1. Dress- 
  • Men: for all occasions (Home and Away), save club night or roll-ups, dark blue/navy trousers or knee length shorts, CLUB SHIRT and bowls shoes.
  • Ladies: for all occasions (Home and Away) except Club night or roll ups, CLUB SHIRT and dark blue/navy trousers, skirt or knee length shorts and bowls shoes.
  • Markers same dress as players on all occasions.