Category: Events

Presidents Plate – 20June

Please get your entries in for the Presidents Plate on Sunday 20th June.

This is day-long competition with a fun format of triples who compete against each other in a series of short games played on a round-robin basis. Whichever team wins the most games is the winner, but with every point likely to count! The day will start at 10am with suitable breaks throughout the day and an expected finish around 4pm.

The sign-up sheets are in the club house on the noticeboard in the corridor. Or please drop me a line. Teams will be drawn nearer the day.

2 Wood Mixed Pairs – Sun 16May

The first of our day-long competitions takes place on Sunday 16th May starting at 10am.

Entries are now welcome so please contact Alan Pilkington or email There is expected to be a £3 entry fee.

Last year’s winners were Bindley Smith & Anita Harvey, seen below receiving the trophy from President, Tom Dowthwaite.

NB: The other whole-day competitions planned are :-

20Jun – Presidents Plate (Triples)

4Jul – Presidents Cup (Singles-75pts)

10Jul – 2 Wood Singles

Upcoming social functions .. everyone is welcome!


Mark and Chris have prepared a quiz with a difference so do come along and try the updated format.


An evening of games is in store – there’ll be something for everyone!

Tues 8th Jan – SKITTLES

Put your bowling skills to the test on a smaller scale!


NB: All events start 7:30pm and there is a nominal charge for entry and a raffle to help towards club funds.

Autumn 2018 dates for your diary

  1. Saturday 15th September Beer and Gin Festival at Sunbury Cricket Club. 12 noon till midnight.
  2. Tuesday 18th September – no organised roll-up but do come and practice if you want.
  3. Saturday 22nd September – Mavis Steele Cup day. Please put your name down for this women vs men event in memory of Mavis who was an international player at Sunbury.
  4. Tuesday 25th September 10am – Hedge Cutting and clearing up. Please help if you can.
  5. Saturday 29th September – The firm we pay to do the autumn work on the green will be working from 1.30pm and it is worth coming to see how it is done.
  6. Sunday 30th September 10am – Clearing for the winter inside and out. Again, please help if you can.
  7. Tuesday 2nd October 7.30 – come for Skittles in the clubhouse.
  8. Saturday 6th October – Make sure your name is down for this party at Tony and Janet’s house if you can.
  9. Tuesday 9th October – The last day to send any proposals for motions at the AGM [motions to change constitution or rules]
  10. Tuesday 30th October – Last day for entries to Middlesex Bowls Competitions . Please talk to David Chatterton for men and Cassie Chatterton for ladies beforehand.
  11. Tuesday 6th November – AGM at 8pm. After the formal business the meeting can discuss anything relevant to our club. No votes are taken but matters noted for the committee to consider.
  12. Friday 23rd November from 12 mid-day. Make sure you have booked your tickets and chosen your menu.
  13. Tuesday 4th December – A social evening which may be a quiz, skittles or another exciting occasion.