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It’s that time of year – the Annual General Meetings for the main club, Sunbury Sports Association, and Bowls take place this month. All are welcome to hear about the clubs and to raise any points at the Discussion Forum that follows the official proceedings.

Tues 9th Nov 7:30pm – Sunbury Sports Bowls AGM

Thurs 25th Nov 7:30pm – Sunbury Sports Association AGM. Documents are available electronically and no paper copies will be provided on the night.

November dates

List of socials and events for the rest of the year and into 2022.

Tues 2nd Nov 7:30pm   Monthly social – Skittles

Tues 9th Nov 7:30pm   Annual General Meeting

Fri 19th Nov 12:30pm   Annual lunch & Presentation of awards

Tues 7th Dec 7:30 Monthly social – tba

A new surface for the car park .. maybe!

Whether you have to drive on it or just walk on it, the car park can be treacherous at the best of times! Please support the efforts to get the car park resurfaced and share as widely as you can in order to support this initiative from the Cricket Club.

Dear Member

We desperately need to get the car park resurfaced. We are applying for a grant from Surrey, but we need your support to prove it’s a real and required project. This will take you 45 seconds if that.

The link below is the “resurface project idea” registered on a Surrey funding website – WE NEED you to please support the project by clicking on the link below and then clicking on the “THUMB’s UP” in bottom right hand corner.
There are 6 simple questions to answer as part of the verification, sorry about that!
Dave Smith – Sunbury Cricket Club
Middlesex Competitions
After a fairly successful 2021 with many members progressing deep into the Middlesex draws please consider entering for 2022. David and Cassie have the Men’s and Women’s entry forms for next season’s Middlesex competitions – they have to be completed by end of October so please get in touch asap.

Put to bed

The green was put to bed for another season over the weekend of 2-3 October. It was inevitable that rain curtailed some topdressing but this can wait for a dry spell. The hedges were also cut back during the week.


As they’ve proved popular in previous years, Nikki will be taking orders for homemade Christmas cakes at Tuesday’s social.

   One last item of news .. we’ve been informed that the main club will be without power on Thurs 28th October due to some essential electrical work.

Slippery Anne on Tuesday

The first of the winter social evenings kicks off on Tuesday 5th October at 7:30pm with an evening of cards.  The bar will be open and Alan Cordery will be our compere as he guides us through “Slippery Anne”.

It’s played like whist and the object of the game is to avoid winning tricks that contain Hearts or the Queen of Spades (all cards have a zero points value apart from these!)


1) There will be 4 players on each table.

2) The first card dealer deals all of the cards (13 cards each).

3) Each player selects three of their cards and passes them (face down) to the player on their left.

4) The game starts with the player on the left of the dealer laying the first card and continues clockwise round the table.

5) After all cards have been played each player adds up all of the Hearts and the Queen of Spades they have collected and writes the score on their score sheet.

6) The player to the left of the previous dealer now starts the next game. Scores are added up as before.

7) After four games have been played the two players with the highest total scores will move up to the next table.

8) At the end of the evening the player with the lowest total score of all the games will be be the winner.                                                                                                       

Tidy numbers

We won’t be fumbling around for rink number markers next season as we have a new holder for them courtesy of Tony Henning.

On the green itself, the rinks themselves have been switched for the final week of the season with outer rinks 1 and 6 closed for some early maintenance. Please let Dennis or David know if you can help with the main work on either day of the upcoming weekend, 2-3 October.

Our last team match of the season didn’t happen on Saturday as Weybridge had trouble with foxes on their green.


Where did we finish ..

Our efforts in the South Middlesex Mixed league were rewarded with 6th place in the final standings. Thanks to our captain Di (and deputies) in achieving the creditable record of no matches conceded/defaulted during the season.

Just a reminder that the last organised roll-up of the season is tonight, Tues 21st, at 5pm, although if the weather continues to remain fair who knows .. ?!

The men are champions!

The men won the annual Men v Women contest on Saturday 18th .. the first time in 4 years!

On a glorious day for bowls, it was looking a close affair for much of the day but the men enjoyed a good finish and ended up winning on 4 of 5 rinks and points overall. It was left to Yvonne and Dennise to uphold honours for the women. The result was soon forgotten helped by drinks and a lovely barbecue afterwards .. many thanks to Nikki. Also to Di for the raffle – just in time to be the first of the season, I think!


We lost our penultimate team match on Sunday 19th to Chertsey. We were lucky it went ahead after some rain late morning but the green played better than it looked with some bursts of sun helping it dry out. We may have lost on all 3 rinks but we weren’t outplayed. We have a chance to finish the season on a high with an away match at Weybridge on Saturday 25th. Please enter your name on the sign-up sheet or let Di know .. she’ll be running the Roll-up on Tuesday 5pm.

Some dates for your diary ..

Tues 5th Oct – Social Evening .. the first of the winter!

Tues 9th Nov – Annual General Meeting

Fri 19th Nov – Presentation Luncheon

Our most loyal supporter


All season we’ve been delighted by the ever-presence of our most loyal supporter and spectator. He/she always welcome us with a chirp or two and sits on the lawnmower after it’s wheeled out of the shed. I’m sure they’d make a great bowler given the chance (latest photo courtesy of John).

We put up a good performance in our latest South Middlesex match at Teddington, winning on two rinks and losing on the other two. Unfortunately the overall points score went against us (no thanks to the new Mens Champion!) and it went down as a 6-4 loss. We have two more opportunities to end the season on a high.

We have the upcoming Men v Women match on the 18th followed by barbecue – please add your names to the list in the club house or contact Nikki. Everyone is  welcome.

A little further off is the annual Lunch and Presentation of Awards on Fri 19th Nov at Fulwell Golf Club – there is a sign-up sheet in the club house or let Cassie know if you’d like to come. All members and significant others are welcome.

Tues 14th 5pm – Club-night Roll-up

Sat 18th 2:30pm – Men v Women

Sat 18th 5:30pm – BBQ

Sun 19th 2:30pm – Sunbury v Chertsey