Bob on top

BobH finished the day as the only unbeaten player at Sunday’s Mixed 2-wood Singles competition. Played on a blazing hot day it was Bob and JenB who won through to finals weekend with semi-final wins against other group winners/runners-up Jenny and AlanP. It was good to see some notable wins for less experienced players and even a couple of draws in the 52 games played. The day went on a little longer than anticipated but was kept in control under the guidance of Gary. Thanks are also due to Nikki and Dennis for sorting out refreshments throughout the day. Lastly, thanks to all who participated, every match was played/marked in great spirit. Mixed 2-woods 2024

The next club competition is the Presidents Plate on Saturday, 29th. Here are the current players signed up to play so please get in touch if anything’s changed : AlanP; Alison; Andrea; Anita; Barry; Bindley; BobH; Brian; Cassie; Charlie; Chris; Colin; David; Dennis; Eileen; JenB; Jenny; John; Karen; Keith; Lynda; Maggie; Neil; Nathan; Nikki; Pat; Richard; Roger; TonyH; Tracy; Tarun.

There’s a fair bit of activity scheduled for this coming week so the very best of luck to everyone competing in Club or County competitions. Club Night continues on Tuesday as does Friday Triples on .. Friday!

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