Club Night & Roll-ups

It was a bit of a messy start to Tuesday Club Night  but once underway there was some good bowling and bonhomie to be had. Although a little chilly by the end, the clouds threatened but, thankfully, never delivered, unlike last season! Remember it’s £2 per week and 5:45pm registration in the clubhouse for a 6pm start and optional drinks in the bar (or patio when sunny!) afterwards.

On St George’s Day, this Saturday 23rd at 2:30pm there is an impromptu Roll-up organised by our Captain Di and Eileen. The grass should be freshly cut in the regular Friday 5pm slot. Everyone is invited.

You can of course organise your own roll-up anytime although it’s advisable (but not essential) to book a rink via the booking system Book a Rink. Chris Shire is our booking expert having already organised two roll-ups this week!

The equipment is kept in the chalet, access to which is available with the key that’s kept in a drawer in the 2nd room in the main room (second door on the right) in the clubhouse. The combination is available to all so just email or ask around if you don’t know it. Once you’ve got in the habit of gaining access it really is quite simple .. honest!

Also in the clubhouse are the sign-up sheets for some of the initial team matches. Details of the competitions and other information will be available as the season develops.






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