A rare sight

The South Middlesex League table provides a rare sight .. Sunbury on top!

We may have played more and been penalised less than some others but it’s still worth shouting about. Mind you, if there was a league table for Friendlies it’d be a different picture. We received a warm welcome from Oatlands Park on Wed 1st and came away with a 1-3 loss with draws on 2 rinks. At least the weather was so much better than last year when I believe some folk never got out of their cars!

Some upcoming matches I missed in previous updates are Middlesex Women’s Unbadged Singles 2nd round matches on Monday 6th. Anita and Bindley both play at home and Tracy plays away at Ashford. All start 5:30pm with spectators/supporters welcome. Good luck to them and everyone representing Sunbury this week.


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