All hands to the pump!

No, not a reference to the yesterday’s downpours but a plea from the greenkeepers for help putting the green to bed over the weekend of 1-2 October. In order to give it the best possible chance for next season it needs some nurturing before the winter sets in – scarifying, top dressing, rolling and fertilising before erecting a fence around the green. The current plan is to commence works on Saturday 1st Oct so any help would be appreciated – more details nearer the time.

Before green closure though we have more bowls. Some of the club competitions are now at semi-final stage, including the deferred semi-finals from the day-long Presidents Cup. A match played this week must be a contender for longest match played this season –  Tracy and Bindley competed in their quarter-final of the Women’s Handicap over 29 ends .. well done to both and marker Barry!

In county competitions, Tracy & Eileen put up a brave performance at the Middlesex Women’s county finals at Cambridge Park but came off second to a strong pair from Bury Lodge. Sunbury can claim some kudos though as the eventual winner was Sarah Hall, and partner, who started her bowling here at Sunbury in 2017 before moving to Cambridge Park. The last representatives from Sunbury in county competitions this season is a mixed Fours of Nikki, Dennis, Karen & AlanP who recently won by a single shot at Bishop Duppas in their quarter-final of the South Middlesex John Gardner Trophy. The semi-final is due to be played at a neutral ground against Fordbridge Park.

Here’s how the rest of the month is looking ..

Fri 19th 11:00am – Friday Morning League – the penultimate round of games

Sat 20th 10:00am – Bluewood Shield at Fordbridge Park – a 3-club day-long competition

Tue 23rd 5:45pm – Club Night with coaching for some new players

Wed 24th 2:30pm – Cambridge Park v Sunbury team friendly

Fri 26th 11:00am – Friday Morning League – deciding round of games

Sat 27th 10:30am – Presidents Cup semi-finals – played to 75pts with 4-3-2-1 scoring

Sat 27th 2:30pm – Esher v Sunbury team friendly

Tues 30th 5:45pm – Club Night

NB: All fixtures and progress on competitions are available on the website.

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