An unfortunate incident

We enjoyed the best weather thus far at this week’s Tuesday Club Night but it was tarnished by a rather unfortunate incident. One of our valued new members had her purse stolen from the side of the green sometime during play 6-8pm. The man who took it also raided one of the cricket rooms taking cash and clothing. He was subsequently tracked down to a shop at Sunbury Cross where he used a credit card to buy tobacco. He tried later for a second time but the card had been blocked by then.

We are looking into providing a secure area alongside the green but in the meantime please be vigilant and look out for each other, especially during peak times when lots of folk are milling around.


On a brighter note, our Women’s Fours team had a good 17-11 win against Fordbridge Park on Wednesday evening and go into the next round. Congratulations to Branka, Nikki, Karen & Eileen. Also on Wednesday, our team friendly at Walton was played mainly in the wet. The sun made a brief appearance towards the end, which coincided with some of the best scoring by Sunbury! We lost on 3 rinks and won on 1 but it was a good introduction to team bowling for some of our newest members.

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