Club competitions

This season’s club competitions are up and running – the draws are available in paper form on the notice board in the clubhouse and online here … Mens 2022  Womens 2022  Mixed 2022
Most competitions are singles so will require a marker. Please ask someone to mark and hopefully you can reciprocate. Don’t worry if you’ve never marked before as it’s quite nice being at the head watching the bowls arrive and without the pressure of actually having to deliver any of them! On each end you’ll need to straighten the jack, answer any requests for info, measure if either of the players ask, and of course keep a record of the score. You can update the sheets with any results or pass them through to me. I’m happy if you want to keep the scorecards as a memento – I don’t need them.
Please adhere to the deadlines for each round – I’d suggest you arrange a mutually convenient date/time with your opponent and then ask around for a marker.
For info, I’ll still be taking entries for the 3 remaining day-long competitions up to the week before they run so just get in touch if you want to enter. The next is Mixed 2-woods Singles on Sat 25th June – played as a round-robin.
Good luck to everyone and please get in touch with any issues etc.

It was good to see so many members and new faces at this week’s Club Night, no doubt spurred on by the super weather. Apologies for the delayed start as we introduce our new bowlers to existing ones.

It’s been the turn of the men in this week’s Middlesex county competitions. Both John and AlanP had home matches in the Unbadged Singles 4th round. John came back from a big deficit and eventually lost out to a player from Staines. Alan just about saw off a youngster from Ashford. Dennis’ match at Springfield was conceded so we have two players in the 5th round. Unfortunately in the Mens Fours, Barry, Roger, Brian & Dennis came unstuck at West Ealing.

On Thursday in the NW Surrey League our Fours team lost and now have a season record of 2 wins and 2 losses.

The first set of matches took place in the Friday Morning League on the hottest day of the year thus far with wins for teams captained by Diane, Alison and Nikki. There might have been a few lucky wicks today but by far the luckiest person on the day was Pat who lost her mobile phone but didn’t know it. As Eileen and I were leaving we heard a phone ringing in the bushes by the steps to the green. It was well hidden and took some finding by eagle-eyed Eileen. We subsequently discovered it had slipped out of Pat’s bag.

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