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July Triples

Due to the overwhelming support for the competition we have had to make some changes to the format so that social distancing can be observed.

This competition was originally planned for Saturday 11th July and will now be played over two days – Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th July.

See Mixed Two Woods .. 11/12July for all the details.


NB: see the Competitions section on main menu for all details of competitions/tournaments for 2020 as they become available.


2020 Competitions

The competitions for 2020 will run but in a limited fashion. Please get in touch with Brian Pollard, Competitions Secretary, or David Chatterton, Hon. Secretary.

Additionally we will review the possibility  of running some of the one day elimination events for  the Presidents Cup (75 competition), Mixed Two Woods and Two Wood Mixed Pairs at dates to be announced.

See the Competitions section on main menu for all details of competitions/tournaments for 2020 as they become available.


Toilets .. we have now been informed that the male toilets accessible from the outfield will be open whilst cricket coaching is in progress and can be used by women. Only one person on the premises at a time with all necessary hand washing   and or own sanitising.



Bowls club update – June2020

The limited opening of the green has proved to be a success and paid -up members have filled all the slots available on Wednesdays and Fridays. This all depends on the participants keeping to the rules suggested by Bowls England to keep you all as safe as possible in these unusual times. We are attempting to keep the green playable but there is currently a balance between how close we can cut and the drought conditions in the weather. Comment has also led us to an exploratory extra opening time on Tuesday evenings from the 9th of June between 6.0pm and 8.0pm( two-hour long sessions under the same conditions as those mid-week-book with David Chatterton). We are keeping all options under consideration as government  advice changes and may be able looking ahead to run a truncated  series of competitions leading up to one finals day for the end of the season. In the meantime, keep to the system and stay safe.

Good news on the financial front. Our modest claim to Sport England for a grant to pay some of our rent to the Sunbury Sports Association and maintain our green has been successful and eased our cash flow problem. We also understand that the SSA in addition to a Bounce Back loan from Barclays has been awarded a substantial Leisure Services grant from Spelthorne Council that will ease the way to making their task of reopening some facilities currently closed to minimise costs.

David Chatterton. Hon Sec.

Virtual Quiz

The green continues to look very good and ready for bowls – hopefully we can get to throw some woods in a limited fashion before too long.

In the meantime we’re looking to arrange a virtual get together playing a quiz. Zoom is the current vogue and some folk have been using it to “meet-up” with friends and family. It can be downloaded and installed for free on most computers or smart phones.

Please let us know if interested.


Spring 2020 update

A message from our Honourable Secretary ..

I usually send you a Secretary’s report at this time of year to open the new season. It now seems most likely that our, and indeed everyone’s bowling season will not commence at the end of April and with no indication of a back to normal date. It is but one minor inconvenience in what is a world-wide social and economic tragedy.

This is just to let you all know that your club is still functioning and keeping in touch with the national and county organisations who have been issuing guidance of varying kinds, including looking after unused greens. National competitions are now certainly off for the season, and probably also the Middlesex ones. There is hope of some ‘Festival of Bowls’ later in the season. (see websites for details – Bowls England web site and Middx Bowling Association web site and sunbury-sports,bowls-club)

Our competitions are on hold and refunds will apply for those who have already entered some of them. Should the opportunity arise we will arrange other ways for members to participate in any competitions which we will be able to run later in the season. In the meantime, we are having to spend money in order to continue to maintain the green, following Bowls England guidance, so that it could become functional quickly if the circumstances allow. We are leaving the fence to deter stray mammals and picnickers. Work has also progressed in rennervating the chalet and machine shed, which is keeping us bored activists busy (working singly or 2 metres apart) and the garden is being maintained. We are not asking for members to attend en mass for obvious reasons of social distancing, but you can be assured we are doing all we can to keep the club alive. You can always pop in as singles or couples to see how things are going. Our Treasurer thanks all those who have contributed membership fees which go towards maintaining our assets.

We are in the hands of the SSA and Cricket Club regarding the opening of the pavilion and they are as keen as we are to recommence activities of some kind as soon as possible. Keep safe and fit and we will eventually all be playing bowls, golf etc. again and follow news on our website. Pass anything you think newsworthy to Alan Pilkington who has also (with Karen) been updating our Honours Boards.

P.S. – a short puzzle

Charles Darwin, as one of his many experiment, calculated that on average there are about 50,000 worms per acre of agricultural land in England. Assuming we can be classed as agricultural and the green is about 1/6 of a hectare, how many worms do you think we have (give or take one or two). I shall try to find out having counted the worm casts in a sample square yard if this is the way Darwin proceeded, which I suspect is not the case. Prize for the most accurate/inventive calculation.

Do not hesitate to contact me or other members of the committee if you have any queries

David Chatterton (Hon. Sec.)

Sad news about Margaret

This month we lost someone who epitomised the spirit of Sunbury Bowls.

Margaret (Kerr) had a warm presence around the club with her support of new bowlers, always helping set up equipment and afternoon teas/raffle. She supported the social functions right up to her departure and will be sorely missed by her family and all at Sunbury Bowls.

An unprecedented season 2020

Hi All

It now appears certain that we will not be able to play bowls against other clubs or any external or internal competitions until at least June. We are continuing to maintain the green, but the pavilion and toilets are not available until further notice.

We are working towards having the green playable for rollups as long as a safe distance is observed, and government rules allow.

We hope you will still choose to become members as we need to safeguard the future of the club. Thank you to all those who have sent their membership fees to the treasurer.

Do try to keep in touch with one another and take care of yourselves.

If you want to find out about the progress you can call:

Diane Saunders 07958 750739

Dennis Morris 07753 621037

David Chatterton 01932 783092


David Chatterton (Hon. Sec.)