Many hands ..

The work on preparing the green for winter is set for the weekend of Sat 1st & Sun 2nd Oct – please do come and lend a hand if you’re able to.

The aim is to put the green to bed in the best possible condition in order to hopefully reap the rewards in the spring. Top dressing, fertiliser and other materials are arriving and a scarifier is on order. Dennis and the greenkeeping team plus helpers will be concentrating on the green but any lighter work around the grounds and clubhouse will be well received too.

After the last SML match at Teddington on Mon 26th and Club Night on Tues 27th we have the first of our monthly winter socials on Tues 4th Oct 7:30pm in the main hall. It’s been decided to give the women another chance in a Men v Women skittles competition (the official score from Men v Women bowls match on Sat 17th was 77-59)! All are welcome even if you don’t fancy knocking over some skittles. A quiz, card games and xmas games are all on the agenda for subsequent socials so please try and keep the first Tuesday of each month free.

Looking further ahead to November we have another winter social on Tues 1st 7:30pm closely followed by our AGM on Tues 8th 7:30pm. Further information will be forwarded on this but please do try and attend to hear about what’s happening and what you’d like to see happen around the club.

The Presentation Awards Dinner is set for Fri 18th 6:30pm for 7pm start at Fulwell Golf Club. Please add your name to the sheet in the clubhouse if you’d like to come – all are welcome. Payment details are on the sheet (repeated below) together with a menu selection.

  • payments of £29.50pp to the Sunbury Bowls Club account (a/c 91701800; sort 40-44-39) or let Barry have a cheque or cash.

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