Men on top

The men enjoyed a hearty 3-1 win in Saturday’s annual Men v Women match.

After a few years of female domination the men have turned things around and will be looking for a hat-trick of wins in 2023. The weather played its part with lots of sunshine and the day was rounded off with a most enjoyable bbq afterwards courtesy of Nikki & Dennis and others.

The following day we played our last team friendly of the season with a visit to Chertsey, winning on one of the three rinks. Let’s hope the mild late-summer weather continues as we wrap up the playing season with an SML match at Teddington on Monday 26th and Club Night on Tuesday 27th.

Just a reminder that we have our first winter social on Tuesday 4th October at 7:30pm in the main hall.

Here’s a couple of other promotions ..

Sat 24th & Sun 25th – Egham Indoor
Bowls club are hosting open days .. please do mention Sunbury Bowls if you sign-up!




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