They’ve done it!

Karen & Eileen, our Women’s Pairs team,  have qualified for the county quarter and semi-finals at Bush Hill Park in July! They won their latest round at sunny Ashford today (Thursday 15th). They’ve made a habit of leading from the start and repeated it again today against an experienced team, winning 17-11.

In other county matches this week, Sunbury hosted a double-header on Tuesday with both Tracy and Karen in action in the Middlesex Unbadged Singles. After a great comeback Tracy unfortunately nudged in her opponent’s bowl on the 28th end to lose 19-21. Karen had earlier raced into a healthy lead and then took a further 4 ends to get the winning shot. Karen next goes to Staines; whilst Anita (who had a bye) faces Tracy’s victor at Bishop Duppas. In the corresponding Men’s competition I beat my Ashford opponent today and face yet another Ashford player (there are lots of ’em!) at Ashford. All matches are next week.

The club competitions have kicked off .. I saw Jenny and Sandy play their Women’s Championship match today and have generally been very impressed how folk have embraced them and started arranging their matches. I’ve had to make some changes to some of the competition draws this week .. apologies, I did forget some folk. All affected players have been informed and hopefully that’s it!

Just a reminder that if you’re playing singles you’ll need a marker .. someone who centres the jack, measures when opponents can’t agree, keeps score, provides info about the head if requested and generally enjoys watching a good game of bowls without the stress of actually playing! If you offer to mark for someone then they can do likewise for you. It can be another family member or friend (aren’t we all!) so long as everyone’s happy. Any questions please do get in touch. Dennis has kindly offered to provide some guidance on marking – details to follow.

The Friday Morning League continues tomorrow with the 3rd set of matches; followed by an SML team game against Fordbridge Park on Saturday; and then the second of our club competitions – Mixed 2-woods, on Sunday. Let’s hope we dodge any thunderstorms.

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