Category: 2017

Honours 2017


Championship   Eileen Leatherby Cheryl Ekblad
Handicap Cheryl Ekblad Diane Saunders
Two Woods Cheryl Ekblad Diane Saunders
Pairs Diane Saunders Margaret Kerr
Eileen Leatherby Cheryl Ekblad
Championship Dennis Morris Brian Pollard
Handicap Brian Pollard Jim Whelan
Two Woods Roger Leatherby Peter Skeggs
Pairs Alan Cordery Tony Latchford
Colin Smith Brian Pollard
Junior Anita Harvey Jim Galvin
Open Handicap Dennis Morris Cheryl Ekblad
Two Woods Roger Leatherby Eileen Leatherby
Two Wood Pairs Tony Henning Tom Dowthwaite
Brian Pollard Cheryl Ekblad
President’s Cup Colin Smith Cheryl Ekblad
President’s Plate Tom Dowthwaite Margaret Kerr
Glenda Jones Tony Latchford
Eileen Leatherby Colin Smith
Mavis Steele Cup Not Played
Ladies’ Club Night Cheryl Ekblad
Men’s Club Night Tony Henning


FRIDAY MORNING LEAGUE                                        Swallows                                                               Swifts



Programme of Events for Winter 2017

Programme of Winter/ Spring Events 2017-8 at 7.30pm

Tuesday, 3rd October              Skittles

Tuesday, 7th November          Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, 14th November        Quiz – don’t forget the 2017 Presentation Lunch on Friday, 17th November 2017.

Tuesday, 5th December           Skittles

Tuesday, 9th January                Bingo and Fish and Chips

Tuesday, 7th February             Skittles

Tuesday, 6th March                  Quiz

Tuesday, 3rd April                     Skittles

Friday, 20th April                      Horse Racing

Come and enjoy these events and bring partners and don’t forget the Presentation Lunch on Friday 17th November2017.

Then we will all be ready for a new season of Bowls in 2018

Members’ News

Hi All

Just a reminder that Tuesday Club Night will start at 5.30pm from now on, so be there early (5.15) and don’t expect a game if you are late. This is not a change to annoy everyone, but a recognition that it gets dark earlier. Thursday should not be affected as it starts earlier anyway.

Club Nights will continue until the green is refurbished. We will let you know the date ASAP.

Our finals will be next weekend and there are some unfinished semis to play. The Green Team would be obliged if you put any games in the diary so that we can work round you to get the green ready for finals weekend.

Do come and watch any games and of course finals days are open to anyone. You never know, they might catch the bug!

Looking further ahead, watch out for notice of Margaret’s party on October 21st and consider entering Middx Competitions. You can speak to me or Cassie as Middx rep and ask for entry forms available later in September.

David Chatterton (Hon. Sec.)

Members’ News .. Aug2017

It will soon be the end of the 2017 Outdoor Bowls Season and we must consider those things necessary for next season. The green will remain open till the end of September, so look out for ongoing events after finals day – like Roll-ups.

The green will be refurbished during early October and maintenance to the surroundings and clubhouse continue throughout the winter. Contact David Chatterton or Dennis Morris if you are interested.

A full program of monthly events will be published shortly, but do try to attend the AGM on Tuesday 7th November 2017 at 7:30pm, it is necessary for our constitution and it’s where resolutions can be put forward to change or modify our procedures.

There needs to be a functioning committee with appropriate officers to undertake the necessary actions to ensure a functioning club for next season. Regrettably, Alan Cordery is keen to have a year off as Fixture Secretary and Colin Smith feels that his journey from Surbiton is too difficult and will no longer be our Competition Secretary. Please consider if you can do one of these jobs or can persuade someone capable to do them. Help will be available from members who understand the processes.

There is a notice just inside our entrance giving details of the Presentation Lunch on Friday 17th November. Please add your names and preferences so that we can make sure it runs well.

David and Cassie

Kee-eep bowling! (added by ed)

2017 Open Day a success!

We had a great turn out of over 30 people.

The good news as well the sun came out which helped a lot!

By 10.30 we had 11 people signed in.

We had to open all 6 rinks, we struggled to cope with so many people, it was great!

A big thank you to all of the Sunbury team for their help and support.

A special thanks to Pat for making all the teas and coffees all morning.

We now hope to turn all these people into members of our club and ensure they feel welcome by all and most of all enjoy the game and have some fun.

Note: An Open evening takes place on Thursday 1st June from 4pm, all are welcome..

Keep bowling with pride.